Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday To Molly

Molly turned four years old today! She had a big birthday lunch at grandpa's house. We had lots of food and lots of fun. We had way too much sugar. We are all tired and going to bed. Molly was very good today. No tears or tantrums. It was a wonderful day!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Our newest addition.

First a Picture

Now a Definition:
A cleft is a birth defect that occurs when the tissues of the lip and/or palate of the fetus do not fuse very early in pregnancy. A cleft lip, sometimes referred to as a harelip, is an opening in the upper lip that can extend into the base of the nostril. A cleft palate is an opening in the roof of the mouth.
(If you click on the picture it will enlarge and you can see it better.)

Since we are living on a farm the majority of my blogs will probably include the farm. I am not sure that this has ever happened on this farm before. I will have to research that. However, given the number of cattle that have crossed these pastures it was bound to happen sooner or later.

While this calf has a defect that will make eating a little more difficult for him than it is for others I believe that he will be a wonderful addition to the farm. Quite frankly...I think he is extremely cute! (Oh! The other cutie in the picture is farmer Dave......he is a great cattle that even a term?:-))

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The beginning of a blog.

We have been trying to find a way to keep others updated on our life on the farm. It seems that blogging might just be the answer even though we are hesitant to put our information out there for everyone to look at. However, we have decided to give it a try. We want to be able to share pictures and funny stories with all of our family and friends. We have been on the farm for almost four months now. We have seen many births, one death (Lenny the llama) and many, many new and exciting things. Some good, some bad but all worth it. We love living here on the farm and the girls are enjoying it as well. We have been in our 4th year of homeschooling for about 6 weeks now and this has been the best start of all four years. Lillie is in 1st grade. Sunni is in 3rd grade and Molly is just Molly......she does a little bit of everything. We have found a local homeschool group here in Batesville and we are really enjoying it. Sunni is involved in Basketball and loves it. She and her sisters practice in the carport almost every day.

Well, that is all for now. We are going to try and keep up with things as much as possible. We get a little busy sometimes and we barely have time for the things that we need to do not to mention the things that we want to do. We are hoping that this will be a good tool for keeping in touch with everyone. Thanks for reading!