Friday, December 12, 2008

The infirmary!

At this point the barn at our house is currently being used as an infirmary. We have 3 small calves that need a little extra attention. 99 was born just before we got here in May and stayed in the barn with her mom for a little while. She is still not thriving like we would expect her to so we are feeding her special in the barn. 79 is older than 99 but also not looking so good. We are trying to get her along as well. Now, #9, more effectionately known as "Scrawny".....I am not sure what is up with the 9's......"Scrawny" was born over the summer and we started calling her "Scrawny" as soon as she was born. She just looked scrawny. We are bottle feeding her to help her become...well....unscrawny. She is very sweet!

This is 99, obviously, and he is very sweet too.

Sunni giving "Scrawny" a bottle. She drinks two bottles each day.

This is #79 and she is kind of a brute. She pushes the others around. She will be back out with the heard as soon as she puts on some weight.

Sunni and Scrawny!

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